Module RargInternal.Args

type kind =
| Req

Required argument

| Opt

Optional argument

| OptDefault(string)

Optional argument with default value


Arguments definition and validation.

Scenarios used in the examples:

  • Provide an arg with this name and no values: --foo
  • Provide an arg with this name and exactly 1 value: --foo value
  • Provide an arg with this name and more than 1 value: --foo value1 value2
  • Don't provide an arg with this name:
type possibleValues =
| ZeroOrOne

0 or 1 value

| One

1 value

| Many

0 or more values

type t = {
name: string,

main name of the argument, for example --foo

alias: option(string),

alternative name of the argument, for example -f

doc: string,

description to show in the help

type_: string,

for example bool string file and etc. (shown in the help)

possibleValues: possibleValues,

required values count

kind: kind,

whether the argument is required or not

choices: option(Type.Choices.t(string)),

possible values for the argument, used only in help and suggestions, not for validation


An argument definition. It contains everything needed for displaying comprehensive help, argument signature and automatic autocompletion.

type validate = ArgsMap.t => Stdlib.result(unit, ValidateArgs.Err.t);

A function for validating an argument (including its Type, the count of expected values and etc.)

type argValidateTuple('a) = (list((t, validate)), (ArgsMap.t => 'a));

A tuple that contains: (a list of arguments, a value getter)

let splitPositionalsAndOptionArgs: list((t, 'a)) => (option(t), list(t));

Separates the positionals and options from an arguments list

module One: { ... };
module Many: { ... };
module Positional: { ... };

Positional (anonymous) argument (you can have only one definition for positional argument(s)).